Cosmetics and skin care for men and women

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Your Hands

Frequent contact with water,chemicals,cold weather,sun,gardening, will put your hands and skin under stress that will result in mature looking hands. Skin on the hands are thin and are prone to premature aging if you do not take care of them.
What can you do one may ask?
Make sure you dry your hands,moisturize,wear gloves when gardening/washing dishes,touching chemicals,use sun screen and try these home made recipes for the hands once a week...
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp of olive oil or almond oil.If you donot have that you can use vegetable oil
Warm cup of water
1 tbsp of chamomile or sage herb
Mix ingredients
Soak hands in it for 15 minutes
When finished, dry hands. Apply a SPF rich hand moisturizer during the day and a regular hand cream before bed.
Do this hand treatment once a week. Lotion twice a day as stated above.
Another tip!
Rubbing your hands with lemon will give the skin more firmness/tone. Rinsing your hands with a vinegar and water solution will help restore ph balance of the skin.
Honey and Milk is another GREAT Hand mask.
Many people use hand sanitizer, which is necessary because of germs, but don't forget to let your hands air dry after you apply sanitizer and then apply hand cream. Even if the sanitizer says that it has moisturizer in it.