Cosmetics and skin care for men and women

Ask about the mens skin line!

The Great Acne Killer

Applying the famous Apple Cider Vinegar to your skin will help acne you may have on your back, arms, etc..
Put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar inside 4 cups of water. Mix. If you do not want to make so much then just mix equal parts of water and acv. Always make sure your body is clean before starting. Now, Clean your hands and Dip cotton pads inside mixture. Squeeze a little excess out the cotton pad and now apply it to your problem areas. Works great on minimizing wrinkles too. Have someone help to do your back and arms. Rinse with luke warm water and dry. Do this every night or at least 1-2 times a week.

If you have eczema, you can mix tsp of acv with a tsp of honey, tsp almond oil or sea buckthorn oil  and add tsp sugar. If its too watery, add another tsp of honey, mix and apply to face in a circular motion for a few seconds. Leave on for 5 mins.Rinse with luke warm water and pat dry.
If you are sensitive to Apple Cider Vinegar, then don’t use!!
Helps razor burn or razor bumps and when mixed with organic/virgin coconut oil, apply it to sagging skin and cellulite. Watch the difference in your skin appearance if you do this everyday for 4 weeks.

Make sure you never run out of ACV!